

Beautiful Lost

Beautiful Lost

Lindsey_J_9749 | Others


Christina had a normal life, living near the beach with her parents, that is until she had a strange encounter with a vampire that she didn't remember until that year. He had called her a doppelganger and then had broke her leg compelling her to forget everything. She had thought she would have had enough with the strange experiences until the night she was supposed to die. Her and her parents were going home when they were attacked. She had been killed but a few hours she came back to life completely normal. Then the thirst for blood started. Her parents were in the hospital with life threatening injuries to top it all off. They told her abouth her cousin that she didn't know about. Her mom then told her that she was had went through the same thing Christina was going through now and that she had a very life changing decision to make. What choice does she make? Does she go to Mystic Falls and if so what happens once she meets the vampire who hurt her a few years ago, the one who broke her leg and then wiped her memory? Does he threaten her or will she end up changing him? Read and these questions and more will be revealed.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Chapter One

Christina's POV

Christina sat infront of her parents fresh graves with everything they told her fresh in her mind. She had an important decision to make and didn't know what to do. She hated the thought of accidentally killing someone but she didn't want to die either. She sighed and got up walking towards her car but stopped when she saw a guy yelling at his girlfriend and then flinched when she saw him hit the poor girl. Something in Christina flipped and she was by the couple in seconds she bit the guy and immediately felt better. The girl started screaming and she had to think rapidly. Christina put her hand over the girls mouth and then did something she hated having to do. "You're fine you were walking when you and your boyfriend got jumped. You ran to for help and when you go back he was gone." she said compelling the girl who said everything she told her to and then she told the girl to leave and watched her walk away before snapping the guys neck and burying the body. Christina was horrified by what just happened and she quickly got into her car and started driving. She drove all night without really knowing where she was going. It was when she realized she was headed in the direction of Mystic Falls where her cousin and aunt live that she knew she was leaving her home for good. She sighed as she took out her phone and dialed the number that her mom gave her. "Hello?" her aunt said and Christina took a deep breath. "Aunt Liz?" she asked and their was a silence on the other end of the phone. "Wow you sound just like Caroline over the phone." Liz said making Christina wonder about what the vampire who attacked her a few years had meant when he called her a doppelganger. "Aunt Liz i got nowhere else to go...mom and dad were killed a few nights ago...we were attacked." she rambled on as tears formed in her eyes. Liz went silent again and then there was a deep sigh from her end. "Come straight here and you can stay with me and Caroline." she said happy to finally meet her neice. "I'll tell Caroline to help me get the guest room set up and you can live here as long as you want." she added and they talked for a few more minutes before Christina hung up and focused on the road. She was about two hours away and was glad she had called her aunt.

Caroline's POV

Caroline was hanging out with Elena, Damon, Stefan, and Klaus when her mom had called her and asked her to come help get the guest room ready. She had just hung up and sighed getting up to gather her stuff. "I got to go. My cousin is coming and I have to help to a room ready for her." she said and Stefan got up kissing her on her cheek. "Okay I'll see you later." he said and she saw Klaus roll his eyes. Caroline just ignored him and said goodbye to the others leaving and going home getting the room ready. right before her cousin's car pull into the driveway. She went to the door and opened it as her cousin got out and walked up to the door. Caroline's eyes widened and she locked eyes with her cousin. She had a doppelganger. She didn't know whether to be freaked out or to be happy she had someone to share clothes with now. Ber cousin tried to step through the door but she couldn't and Caroline muttered under her breath. "Fuck this just gets worse." she said then sighed inviting her cousin inside. "Mom I'm going to take Christina to the Salvatore's." she called and then sighed at her mother's disapproving look as she walked out from the room they had sat up for Christina. "She just got here why not just let her rest?" she asked looking at her daughter. Caroline sighed and mouthed something to her mom which made her nod in understanding and then leave them alone. "Okay we need to go so you can learn more about what's happening to you." Caroline said then looked at her. "And so I can call Bonnie to make a daylight ring for you." she added and Christina just groaned nodding in agreement then they went to Christina's car and drove to the Salvatore mansion. Stefan had met Caroline at the door before they even got out of the car good. "I thought you said your cousin was coming over." he said then he noticed the girl behind Caroline and he grew silent. "She's becoming a vampire and needs our help." she said simply and Stefan moved aside and watched as both girls walked inside. Klaus was still there and Elena who practically lived there now was in the kitchen cooking but once she heard the door open and three footsteps she glanced around the corner and saw her friend along with another girl making her drop the spatula and just stare at both of them. Klaus was staring mostly at Christina making Caroline clear ger throat and look at Stefan. "Like I said she needs our help to train her to control her thirst." she said again and Stefan started explaining everything to her the same way he had done for Caroline when she went through the change. Damon who had just came downstairs groaned teasingly. "Not another one." he said and dodged a bottle that Caroline threw at him. Christina focused on what Stefan was saying and just nodded. After Caroline and Stefan were both satisfied that they had explained everything they could her and Christina went home and went to bed both very exhausted and very scared about what the future held for them.

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