


I never wanted this life, all I wanted was to be happy, loved and protected by the one I loved, not pitied or manipulated. Let me rephrase that, I never knew how much I wanted this life until the day I died.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: 1

There was no negotiation after I entered into a deal with the devil, no going back, but I already knew that from the very beginning.

Before we go any further, let me just make it clear that whatever I did, I didn't do under pressure, I wasn't forced, or lured, or manipulated like you may be thinking, so remember this before you start feeling sorry for me, because I really don't need it.

The world is a constant reminder of just how frail and insignificant everything really is, we are born, we live and we die, and that's it, everything vanishes, our so called lives comes to an end, and we are forgotten.

Those who are left alive continue living, and those who die, remain dead, that was the natural order, the order we were born into, the order we were made to believe.

I also believed that order, I never questioned it, I only accepted it. Now don't expect me to tell you a story of how I lived a sorry excuse of a life, or had to work tirelessly before I could feed, or maybe a sob story of falling in love and giving my life for the one I loved, its not going to happen.

After all, love is overrated, it has always been, I was actually born with what most would call one heck of a golden spoon, my greatgrandfather was one of the richest men in his time, and so was his father, and his father before that, and now it was down to my father, anyway, we were anything but poor, luxury and wealth was more or less a play thing for me, I had everything I could ever ask for and more.

And no, I wasn't the only child, my father, even though he was a highly respected man was not so prudent when it came to his affairs, and I don't mean affairs of state, he was as promiscuous as a loose fox, and not long after, his whores soon became his mistresses, some he made wives, others he left as concubines.

Try to pay attention, and don't bother your mind with trying to find a cliché in my story, I can almost assure you that you won't find any.

Beatrice was my mother's maiden name, but after getting married to my father she became the Lady Beatrice, what were you expecting ? A different name perhaps, get used to me, because this is how I will tell you everything, if you don't like my methods then you can stop reading, and forget you ever saw anything, but then you wouldn't know what happened to make me such a glum of a person, sorry, I keep forgetting, I stopped being a person a long time ago, now I'm just a....

You'll have to turn the page to find out ....


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