

Because You Saved Me (Namjoon FF)

Because You Saved Me (Namjoon FF)





This is fiction and for entertainment purposes only. It has no direct mentions to persons and individuals.

Namjoon met a girl seven years ago but she was snatched from his hand. He will stop at nothing to find her. Each year he would start his investigation a new.

Yumei has never had a normal childhood, all that she could remember was the white walls that surrounded her. She was longing for a normal life.

A fateful meeting of an outsider and a Yakuza boss's daughter will they be able to reconnect with each other?

Top Reviews



Status: c21 8mth
Hello, Author here with a shameless 5-star review. This is my second fanfic and I went in for more drama and mystery with a sweet romance. I hope you guys will enjoy it, as I have writing it.💜💜💜


Status: c104 2yr
hiii my one of the favourite author 🥰🥰ur story is just awesome 💖💖I'm confuse how I describe how much I love it😍😍I'll prefer this story to every reader because in evry new chapter have it's own story n own mysterious surrounding 😱🥰it's feels like evrything is happening in front of our eyes😍that was the most beautiful experience to me ...feeling like it's our regular life part we are living in this FF world🥰keep it up author nim💖💖thanks for ur great story


Status: c2 4yr
I just realize I had read your other book before!! The one about angels🤣🤭, i really like that one. This fanfic is also good, the dialogues and the character, however the story is moving a little bit to fast for me, but overall its okay! 

Good job Author! keep it up!

ps. My bias is Namjoon

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Yumei walked around in the streets, she didn't know where she was. She was getting scared, she was never allowed to leave the grounds of their mansion.

But she wanted to know what was behind the tall walls that kept her in, she doesn't have friends except for the body guard's boy Jimin and was homeschooled.

She heard laughter and turned around the corner. There sat a boy on a swing in the park reading a book. She felt relieved and approached the boy.

"Hel...Hello." Her voice came out as a whisper, the boy looked up at her and smiled.

"Hello. I haven't seen you here before."

She fiddled with her fingers, "I have never been outside before."

His eyes widened at her his mouth agape. "Like never?"

She nodded at him, "Yes. I have only seen great white walls and not what was beyond them."

He closed this book, "Well, why don't I take you on a small tour?"

She bit her lip nervously, she wasn't allowed to talk to strangers but he seemed nice and she was lost. "I would like that very much."

He got up from the swing and held out his hand. "I am Kim Namjoon."

She took his hand shyly. "I am Yumei Kazuma."

Hesitancy flashed across his eyes but he shook her hand slightly. "Nice to meet you, Yumei."

Her smile brightened, "And you Joonie."

He chuckled, he liked the way she shortened his given name. "So this is the park. I usually come here to read on the swing."

She looked around, "Alone?"

"Yes, most of the other kids play video games at the arcade but I like the quietness. So I come here."

"That is fascinating, I love lying under the shade to read."

He looked at her, a girl lying on the grass and read? In those clothes? She was wearing a pink dress with short high heels and her hair was in two plaited pigtails with pink ribbons on the end. "What is your favourite book?"

She averted her gaze and mumbled. "Alice in Wonderland."

He grabbed her hand, "Really? I just finished that book a week ago!"

She smiled at him. "I have never met someone who liked reading as much as I do. My friend Jimin hates reading."

Who would hate reading? He gently tugged at her hand. "Let us go get some ice cream."

One goes out for ice cream? She never went out for ice cream usually when she wanted something the servants brought it for her. This sounded like fun. "Can I have chocolate ice cream?"

"You can have any ice cream you want. So come one."

They were running from the park and Namjoon paused a few blocks down at an ice cream shop. Yumei gasped at the sight, she never knew that there was so many ice cream.

Namjoon grinned at her astonished face, "Still want chocolate?"

Yumei didn't answer as her eyes ventured around. The line was moving forward and he tugged her hand slightly.

He didn't let go of her hand since he took it from the park something inside him, told him he shouldn't let go. "Have you decided?"

Her eyes beamed at him. "A vanilla chocolate swirly!"

"Then that is what we will get." Namjoon paid for their ice cream and walked her through the same street back to the park.

They heard a car behind them, Namjoon instinctively pushed Yumei behind him. A long black limousine stopped next to them.

A man climbed out and lifted his shades up. "Give us the girl, boy."

Yumei shivered behind Namjoon's back. He had to think quick this man didn't look like your local businessman. "What do you want with my sister?"

The man quicker an eyebrow. "Your sister? Do you think I am a fool?" The man started laughing and Namjoon tightened his grip on her hand.

The man took a step forward. "That is Yumei Kazuma and I will be taking her with me now."

It was all in a blink of an eye, their hands were reaching for each other. "Joonie!"

Namjoon watched as the man put Yumei in the car and drove off in his clenched fist was her pink ribbon.

Yumei woke with a start and blinked her eyes. That dream... Why was she dreaming of that day before she had to go to her first day of University?

She threw the covers off her and got up, it took her seven years to convince her father to let her attend a public school. He didn't give in until a month ago when her mother told him, it was the time that she explored the world.

So to her surprise, her father said it was okay. She was so happy and even Jimin who was her friend for seven years was delighted at the fact that she may go to a public school.

Yumei's worries about the dream disappeared when her mother entered her room. "Up already?"

She smiled at her mother. "I am so excited."

"I am happy for you, love. I know you will make new amazing friends."

Yumei let out a groan, she wasn't too sure about that. She was your normal geeky girl with glasses who loved a good book the having conversations.

"Don't joke mom."

"I am not joking, love. You will see, you have this wonderful light that draws people to you."

Yumei rolled her eyes, yeah the wrong kind of people. She wondered what happened to Joonie, she hasn't seen him since that day when she got kidnapped and her father never let her leave the house again.

Her mother kissed her temple. "You should get ready so that Majima can drop you off."

Yumei let out an angry scowl, "I am not going to make friends if Donald drives me around... Why can't I take the bus like normal kids?"

Her mother was silent. "You know as well as I do why not. So please for your father's sake, let Majima drive you."

Yumei knew she lost the battle, she just hopes her father would keep the end of his bargain and not let her bodyguards join her classes. "Fine."

Her mother left her room, "That is my girl."