What will Summers do when her past , she ran away from finally chatchs up with her. In the from of a man she is dating. Wil she ran away from him or will she stay with him and solve her problems for once. Summer is convinced by her friends to go on a blind date they set up. when the blind date doesn't go ass planed summer meets Marcos who is waiting for his brother and a restaurant. How will Marcos react when he finally meets the woman that changed his life and the woman he is promised her hand in marriage.
*Summer's P.O.V*
I arrive home tired from a long day at work to my shared apartment with my best friends Lexi and Mei . As soon as I open the door, I'm harassed by them asking me where I was.
Lexi : "Summer on my gosh where were you?!"
Mei : "Why did you leave without telling us?!"
Lexi : "Do you know how long we've been waiting for you to come home? "
Mei : "Where did you run off to so early in the morning?!"
Lexi : "Summer don't just stand there and look at us can you please answer our questions!!."
I stood there for a while and looked at there angry faces until I spoke up. Just as I parted my lips to speak Mei cut in.
Mei : "Do not lie to us please".
Me : "I was at work. My asshole of a boss called me and told me I had to come in today it was an emergency."
Mei & Lexi : "Could you not say no to him?".
Me: "No , you know I need the money to pay a third of our rent I couldn't stay no."
Lexi : " Ohh okay ".
Mei : "Now he made you late".
Me : " For what ?" I shrugged my shoulders .
Mei : "The blind date we talked about last weekend, We should get you ready before you're late."
Me : "But I was not told and besides I have nothing to wear so I'm not going anywhere".
I came up with that conclusion but only to be pulled to Mei's room by Lexi and Mei.
Mei : "You'll wear my clothes for the date now sit and let's get you ready"
Mei :. "Your date is at 7pm, come we only have to hours to get you ready "
Me : " can I atleast go freshen up be for my date "
With that, I stood up and went to my room to grab a bathrobe and went to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and took a quick shower washing my long black hair and putting it up in a bun I headed to Mei's room were they were waiting. I sat on her bed as we looked through Mei's closet for a dress for me to wear.
Me :. " Mei I'm not wearing anything fancy it's just a date. "
Mei : "Your date is taking you to an highend restaurant your wearing something nice that's all I can say. "
Lexi :. "Come here let me do your hair and makeup "
Lexi curled my hair a little and gave volume making it look wavy and sexy , for my make-up she gave me a more natural look because she knows I don't wear that much make-up anyways. After my make up that took an hour, seeing my date was at 7pm and it was now 6pm, Mei took out a short black cocktail dress that had an open back and a tea cup bottom form her closet with mate blue heels and a pair of earrings and a mate black clutch. I slowly parted my lips to protest seeing the dress was short and it looked new. Before I could say anything Mei cut me off.
Mei :. " You are wearing this end of story I've never worn this dress anyways "
Without protesting I took the dress and headed to the bathroom to change into the dress. After 30 minutes of changing into the dress I went out of the bathroom to Mei's room where they were waiting for me. As soon as I got in the looked at me with their eyes glued at my body and the mouths slightly open and their hands on their faces. " GIRL!!! YOU LOOK FANTASTIC " Lexi said Mei : "Your date is going to love your outfit" was all Mei said "Come on let's go and drop you off at the restaurant."
Me : "Is he not coming to get me "
Lexi : "Now would it be called a blind date if you see him before the date "
I rolled my eyes as we exited the apartment and made our was too my car. We made our way and I sat in the back sit. We were on our way and I remembered I didn't know were we were going so I asked Mei.
Me :." Mei what restaurant am I eating at with this guy and ohh what's his name. How does he look."
Mei :." It's that new high end restaurant that just opened. You'll see how he looks like , when you get in he'll be sitting alone. His already there."
"Ok" is that only thing I could manage seeing that she would not tell me who was my date. In no time we wear at the restaurant and we quickly said our good buys and I headed in the restaurant.
*Marcos' P.O.V*
I have been in this stupid ass restaurant for about 30 mintues and my brother Nicholas who was not showing up so I decided to text him ask him were he was.
Me:. @Nicholas_bro😎😤 :. Were the hell are you?
As soon as I look up I'm met with the most beautiful women I've ever seen she is wearing a short cocktail dress showing of her long legs with those six inch heels she's wearing. She was walking my way. She came over and took a sit in front of me. I was going to tell her that my brother is coming but before I could she spoke moving her beautiful lips to say.
" Hey. My name is Summer what's yours name?"
Me " My name is Marcos"I said with a warm tone
Summer : " I'm so sorry I kept you waiting it's just that I went to work and I came home late."
She must have thought I was her date so I decided I was going to play along seeing my bro was not showing up .
Me :. "It's no problem I haven't been waiting a long time and besides I wouldn't mind waiting for you for hours " I said
Summer was now blushing and looking down at the plate trying to hide her blush. I immediately signalled the waiter to come so he could take our orders. He came and looked at summer like she wasn't with someone I looked at him sending dangerous looks at him how dare he look at my women like that ,she is mine and no one else's. Why and I going crazy like this I don't know anything about this girl and I'm already acting crazy over her like this so I think should back off a little. Before I could say anything to the waiter she spoke up and looked at her menu.
Summer :. " So what do you want to eat " she asked me. I had not noticed that the waiter was gone and gave us menus due to the way that waiter was looking at my Summer.
Me :. " I don't know I've never been here but I guess I'll try the duck with the red one and you ?"
Summer :. " Ohhh I guess I'll have the same"
Me :. " So tell me a bit more about yourself?"
Summer :. " Well my name you already know , I'm 21 and I'm from Mexico what about you ?" she said before I could reply the waiter came back and asked for our orders we gave him and he went back to get them.
Me :. " Well I'm 24 and I'm form Italy. I have 7 brothers I'm the oldest buy 3 mintues" I said
Summer :. "You have seven brothers, that must be nice well I'm the only child. " She said before asking me another question.
Summer :. "Do you do this a lot ?" She asked taking a sip of her water.
Me :. "Do what ?" I asked
Summer :. " Going on blind dates ?" She asked with her eyebrow raised.
Me :. "Ohhh no his is my first ? " I quickly answered remembering that I wasn't her date. Before i could ask her a question another waiter came with a bottle of champagne.
"Sorry we didn't order any champagne " summer said talking to the waiter.
Ma'am the gentleman at the bar ordered it for the table. Me and summer looked at the bar to find my idiot of a brother smiling at me and summer.
Summer :. " Ohhh my Marcos you didn't tell me you had a twin" she said with and excited tone she waved a Nico to come over to our table. Hopefully he doesn't say anything dump or scare her away.
Nicholas :. "Hey there I'm Marcos's brother Nicholas and who are you" Nicholas asked summer. Before summer could answer I answered for her trying to signal my brother.
Me :. "Nico this is my date Summer" I said looking at him trying to tell me not to say that was his sit. He took the hint and chuckled and saying it was nice meeting her. Before leaving he said goodbye to summer and I and went out of the restaurant giving me a look saying we needed to talk.
Summer :. "Your brother is a nice guy. Do all your brothers look like you ?"
Me :. " Yes" I sighed and chuckled as soon as I saw how excited she was.
Me :. "If you want next time you can met them all" I said and she agreed. Minutes later the waiter came with our orders and poured the wine and left but not before slipping Summer a note with his numbers I was so angry could he not see she was with someone I'll have a word with him how dare he do this doesn't he know who I am. He'll learn not to flirt with my woman. Before I could stand and talk to the waiter Summer stood up and went to the waiter with the paper with his numbers were on.
Summer :. "Hey I don't want your numbers take them you perv " she said rather loud and threw the paper at him and a walked away towards me . I couldn't help but smile like a idiot because of her actions. She looked at me causing me to snap out of my world and talk to her.
Me :. "That waiter should be fired how dare he..." I was interrupted by summer
Summer :." Yeah how dare he give me his numbers what does he think of himself can't he see I'm with someone " realising what she said she looked at her plate trying to hide he blushing.
Summer :. "Let's eat we can't let the food before it gets cold" she said looking downing down at her plate. She said and we started to eat.