

Am I Inlove With My Bestfriend?

Am I Inlove With My Bestfriend?





A girl who has a best friend who's always with her thru thick and thin, supporting her in every decision she makes and treats her so well. What if she got confused and asked herself " Am I in love with my best friend?"  Will she tell him? Can their friendship turn into a romantic relationship? Can she settle only as a best friend?

Top Reviews



Status: c1 4yr
The story is unique and has a charm of its own. The development of the story is nice and I could totally relate to the characters in the story. I'm really excited for the upcoming chapters. Thank you for your hard work! 


Status: c2 4yr
I love myself some good romance and this is waht this story is about asking the age old question "do I love my best friend?"
As per usual if you are a anime fan, you know how it is, characters that are friends or childhood friends rarely end up together and rule of thumb, the MC ends up with the first girl that appears in front of him or slaps him (pick your poison here) honestly there is no story (that I know or read about) that tackles this idea of two people that are friends actually pondering they're friend as a love interest, this is what makes this story here interesting and the two main characters are a big plus as they are writen quite well and to top it all off this is writen very well (as far as I'm concerned)    
All in all if you are looking for something different, then this is for you, and don't let the small amount of chapters (as of writing this) scare you away, it's worth it!  


Status: c1 4yr
this story is honestly really cute and it made me giggle, you made the readers feel closer to you by writing in that style. there are a few grammar mistakes which are understandable bcus just like me, English is not your first language. good luck with your book, bub.

Chapter 1: HOW WE MET

"Iyah wake up! Today is your first day in high school do you want to be late? look at you you're still in your bed! Cmon wake up!!!"yeah you heard it right, today is my first day at my new school. Anyways, that's my mom, and I'm so lazy to get off of my bed. Like, I got used to not waking up early for school... ARGHH!! it's only 5:30 in the morning!!

First of all, let me introduced myself...Hi! I'm Isabella Cassandra Santos but you can just call me 'Iyah' weird right? My name is Isabella but my nickname is Iyah HAHAHA. People mostly say that I'm pretty, smart, kind, and friendly. I'm from a middle-class family. My father is Eugenio and Yasi Santos, they are both popular when it comes to marketing and business, but sadly their marriage didn't work. I also have 2 other siblings which are my 'Kuya Jeric' and 'Ate Mae'. But I lived with my mom right now because ate Mae is working at Makati and my Kuya Jeric is with my dad managing our business in Cebu. In case you guys are wondering why I call my siblings as Ate and Kuya, and where are Makati and Cebu, it's all because I'm proud to say that I am born and raised in the Philippines.

Back to the story, After 123 years I finally got finished fixing my self, I didn't eat breakfast, because I'm not used to eating every morning. I already said goodbye to my mom and left our house. I never thought that It's so hard to wait and ride a jeep in our area! I looked at my watch and saw that its already 6:30 AM! I only have 30 minutes to commute. If you guys are asking if why I only knew it, it's because my school when I was in elementary it was only 3 streets away from us, and most of the time I just walk to arrive there. Back to the present, it's like 5 jeeps already came but all of them are already full.

Good thing, after I wait for so long, there's a jeep that has a vacant and sad to say I'm not comfortable right now, why? because I can't sit properly... Just imagine guys, only the last 3/4 of my butt can only sit, it feels like one sudden brake of the driver I'll probably be seen at the aisle, and the worst Manong (driver) told the other hoping passengers that there are 2 more vacant seats left, so, the 2 other students hop in and I felt sorry for them. But now, we have to try our best to arrive at our destination on time. All I can say is "We have to endure the pain" just wow! I already use the tagline of pepsodent just because of how unlucky I am right now.

Wait, wait, wait! what time is it now? Am I already late?OMG please noo!!!! I only have 10 minutes before my class start! Traffic go away pleaseee...

When I saw the gate of our school I hurriedly shouted at Manong "para po!!" and waited until the jeep stopped then run as fast as I can until I arrived at my class..Good thing, it's not hard to find my classroom not like what happens in dramas where they keep acting like their school is big as a mall. When I entered the classroom, the whole class stared at me and suddenly become quite. I'm late? What happened? Can I adjust myself here at my new school? Arghhh!

If you are wondering if I made it Thank God I'm already here before 7, I seated in the only chair that is vacant at 6:58 am and when I finished organizing my things I realized everyone in this room has a friend. God! I'm so nervous what if they laugh at me and worst bully me!? I was in the middle of my deep and oa thoughts when....

"Hi!" she said.

"omg! kalabaw" I shouted. (kalabaw=carabao)

"Am I that ugly? You called me kalabaw" making a sad face.

"No miss, I just got surprised hehe" I hurriedly said.

"I'm just joking girl! and don't call me miss" smiling at me.

'She's cute' I told my self

"Then what should I call you? Mister?" I uncertainly replied.

"You know what you're funny!HAHAHAHHAHA" laughing out loud as if I'm joking.

"Just call me Nami since we're classmates and friends" she added.\

Wait. Wait. We're friends as in F-R-I-E-N-D-S?

"We? friends? Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not? Oh, aren't we? Sorry..feeling close" Her smile faded.

"No..No, it's not like that, I'm just you know surprised that I already have a friend even it's our first day" I smiled.

"So what's your name?" she asked excitedly.

"You guess! HAHAHA" I joked.

"Funny!Faster! Your name Ms. Transferee-who-call-me-kalabaw" she said while rolling her eyes.

"Okay, okay! My name is Iyah".

"Iya? as in pronounced as letter E with ya?" seriously ask me.

"yeah" I laugh a little.

She's really 'kalog' (naughty/energetic) isn't she?

After 20 years of talking and laughing with Nami....


Our teacher arrived and she's late! She said there's an emergency faculty meeting earlier that's why she's late.. She has fair skin, petite, and a little bit small. She doesn't have a serious and terror vibe she's like a friendly and very approachable teacher. Based on what she said, she's 26, taken and from a wealthy family but her family doesn't want her to be a teacher they want her to be a businesswoman like them, so she left their house and strives harder to achieve her profession. Her name is Ms. Cath Andal.

"Before we end our session for today. let me tell you, the class that we have 3 transferees. So transferees can you all stand up and come here in front to introduce yourselves?" she said with a pure smile.

I slowly stand up and walk in front, standing with the 2 other transferees (1 girl and 1 boy). I can't even look at them, I'm so nervous and embarrassed.

"So wants to go first?" she asked us.

The boy beside me volunteered.

"Hi! my name is Mikel Francisco I'm hoping we will enjoy each other's company!"

So he's name is Mikel..He looks like a nerd but not that 100% nerd okay? He has a coconut haircut but nothing more.

Next is the girl on my left.

"Samantha Reyes, daughter of the owner of Reyes Group of Companies," she said while looking at her nails.

Okay, she's very fussy I guess and very distant person.. Do you know the type of girl who only wants to be friends with other girls like her? #RICH hahaha.

So it's my turn now?? help! help! I'm looking at Nami but guess what, she's laughing at me. HMPP!!

"Okay last but not the least.." Ms. Cath said.

Breath in, breath out....

"Goodmorning, I'm Iyah," I said without looking at anyone.

"That's it? No more?" Ms. Cath said while laughing a bit.

I nodded.

"Class are you agree? she only says 3 words" getting the attention of everyone.

"Nooooo" they shouted.

"Introduce your self ag-" Ms. Cath didn't finish her words when someone knocks and opens the door.

"Sorry Ma'am I'm late. Traffic really sucks" he laughed.

