Chapter 1: Introduction of Sorts :)
Hello, I wanted to post a quick overview of what and how this "Novel" will develop. As you may have noticed from the title, it will be a collection of short stories and fillers that align with my main novel, "Lost In Time."
I decided to do this because there were many other stories and information I wanted readers to have, but I didn't feel like it was necessary to write them into the main novel. I know when I read other novels sometimes, I have questions and would have liked to know more information about a certain side character or more background on a main character, so here we are :)
The length of these chapters will fluctuate more than in the main novel because of the content. Some of the topics I cover and/or backstories, I will cover in the main novel, so they will be more brief in this one. I will also post a character profile chapter sometime soon and update it as more characters are introduced in the story. (It will be basic characteristics to start, but if anyone reading likes it and wants to know more about characters, I will post more "fun" stuff about them).
I hope anyone reading, finds the main novel, as well as this one, enjoyable. I am taking time between Volume 1; Unforgiven and Volume 2; Battlefront, to catch up on the "filler chapters" so everything will be up to date. Reading these short stories aren't necessary to understand the main novel, they are just little extras in case someone has a curious mind like I do.
If you have and questions, comments, or anything of the sort, please feel free to comment on this novel or the main novel and I will do my best to answer; whether its replying to the comment or creating a chapter out of the question. I will do my best and I hope you enjoy. Stay safe and take care reader(s).