"Thanks for the ride," I said as I alighted from Kellen's car.
He smiled, then zoomed off leaving me in the terrace at Rey's house.
My gaze roamed around the building with a lush garden in front. Rose and carnation flowers lined the perfect lawn in their wooden boxes- their hues so close, yet unique. Unlike mine, that had grown so out of hand since my father the only person mowing the lawn wasn't around.
This was my second time being here and I had enough time to check it out, unlike last week when I was filled with pain.
I flexed my ankle which had healed two days prior. I didn't attempt going to school for the first three days as the pain became unbearable leaving me in the company of Hailey which wasn't bad as I had envisaged. Even when Rey had visited in the company of Kellen as promised, she was on her best behaviour making it weirder.
Rey was meant to pick me. He made up an excuse that he has a lot of work to do which I knew wasn't true. Rey doesn't strike me like the guy that would pick up a duster to clean the chair or as someone that will do the dish or laundry. Maybe I shouldn't judge him either.
I shrugged, at least I had an alternative. Though I wished he came instead.
I strolled to the entrance, about to knock. My hands met air instead of the door. Rey's mom opened the door.
Taking in her appearance, she donned on a summer flowery gown, reaching above her knees with a pink apron tied around her waist. She looked so young and could be mistaken for his sister. Now I know where Nora got her to look. She was her mother all through.
"Pooh," Nora yelled as she came into view.
I laughed as she hugged my legs. I bent down to her height and ruffled her hair.
"Come on in." Rey's mother moved inside dragging Nora along with her.
"Thanks, ma'am, "
"You must be the person Rey is expecting? His project partner?"
"Yes ma'am," I replied again.
"Silly,' she covered her mouth and peeked at Nora. Her head was stuck in the colouring book she held.
" I mean, wow!" She laughed.
"Call me Maddy. We didn't get the time to get acquainted properly the first time we met."
I smiled, "I'm Winter." My hands shot out to shake hers but she hugged me instead.
"Beautiful name."
"Thank you," I said turning red.
"Awe, ain't you so cute?" She pinched my cheeks and I turned even redder.
Maddy was so nice and charming compared to her son. Rey was totally different from his family. He had a nonchalant attitude towards everything and a tease.
My eyes flashed back to Nora. A phone clutched to her ear and shouted into it.
"Rey, Pooh is waiting for you." She yelled into it. Hanging up quickly, she fell back on the sofa, lifted her legs up in the air giggling.
"Nora," Maddie exclaimed.
"Don't talk to your brother like that. And why do you call her Pooh?"
"Because that's what Rey calls her and I like it too," Nora said pouting.
"It's Okay." I laughed at Nora's cuteness. "I'm not angry."
A footstep sounded on the stairs drawing my attention. I twisted to see Rey coming down in only a boxer short.
My gaze greedily drank in the sight of a shirtless Rey. His abs look so sexy and rock hard. His messy hair standing in different directions. I clasped my hands together to stop it as it itches to touch it.
"Rey, can you put on some clothes?" Maddy said with an eye roll.
She stared at me and I averted my gaze to hide the blush that crept up my cheeks.
I shifted as Rey walked past me. He even smells better without clothes on. His woodsy scent vaporised everything in my brain and my mouth watered. I was acting like a sex-starved teenager.
Okay, I'm a teenager but absolutely not sex-starved.
He walked to the fridge, brought out two apples and bottled water. He moved closer and pulled me to him.
"Bye, mom. And stay put Nora." He pushed Nora back on the couch as she was about to follow us. She pouted but stayed where she was.
He gripped my hand throughout our climb on the stairs, dropping it only when we got to his door to open it.
His closeness elicits a response which shouldn't be from me. My feelings resurfaced and I couldn't help it.
I had totally fallen in love with Rey
I already lost it.
The kiss we shared in his car the last time emerged in my mind yet again as I stepped into his room but the sight of a half-naked Lee on his bed made it evaporate.
She didn't bother on covering herself as she saw me and she didn't say anything to me. Her pose on his bed was like a sprawling Hyena trying to clamp down its prey.
If I didn't know Lee, I would probably say she was the Hyena but these days, the truth was I don't even know what to know anyway.
Lee didn't bother to show up when I sprained my ankle as she had become more distance since the peanut butter event. It was as if she woke up to be a different person entirely. Though I was bothered she didn't show up or she seemed less concerned even as I had done video call with the boys during school recess hour, she didn't even glance my way.
I only heard her voice in the background talking to Rey which hurts the more since she was present but refused to see me.
We didn't fight or argue, she just stopped talking to me. The only reaction I do get from her was a scowl whenever I mentioned her name or she saw me close by. She even went further to declare our sworn enemy Alyssa her BFF.
"Lee," I said as I stepped in.
She nodded her head looking away immediately. I caught her glaring at me from the corner of my eyes.