

Aurora's revenge

Aurora's revenge

Rachael_Olawale | Fantasy


They looked like humans Ate like humans Talked like humans Loved like humans But all that was taken away, all because of a crown. They however, made a mistake. They left Aurora to live. And now, she has come for her revenge, bringing a tidal wave with her.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Prologue

Aurora walked down the beautifully carved stairs. Her calloused but slender fingers grazed the smooth banister, and her shoes caused the room to echo as they tapped the beautiful stairs.

Her dark-blue wavy long hair was in a loose bun on top her head, little strands fanned her face and slender pale neck.

Her dark-blue dress trailed behind her. The bodice had princess darts that hugged her torso and pushed her breasts up. The silk material flared around her legs. In her left hand she held a long golden antique staff which trailed behind her next to her dress.

The top of the staff was shaped in a large crystal tear drop it held clear water that slouched at each step she took. Around it curved golden vines, encasing it tightly.

She stopped in front of a beautifully engraved gold door. Slowly, her fingers traced the curves and quite suddenly, her red plush lips pursed in anger. Her dark blue eyes flared in anger. She pushed the door open, so that it banged against the wall and walked in.

The room was wide and beautiful.

It was coloured in regal purple and gold.

Aurora ignored the beautiful room and focused on the throne at the end of it.

She walked over to it and ran her fingers over it. Her eyes closed in anguish as she did so. Her fingers traced the slick smooth gold, the tiger shaoed armrests and soft plush back rest.

When her eyes finally opened, it was filled with anger that made it flare like lightening.

She stepped back and raised her staff. As if on cue, the wind picked up. Her hair was released from its bun to float behind her. The moonlight illuminated her face as she glared at the throne.

Suddenly at the twirl of her other hand and the staff, the water in the staff erupted. It went round the throne and seemed to multiply as it went.

Finally, when the whole throne was covered by the water, she raised the staff in the air, the throne raised with it.

windows poened and shut aggressively but Aurora only paid attention to her throne that had cost her whole family their lives.

She opened her mouth and screamed "For the Aerons!"

Then, she stomped the butt of the staff onto the ground.

everything seemed to still. Then the throne burst to shards that flew everywhere. Even then, not a seck touched Aurora.

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