

Fatal Moon: Dead Alice In The Wonder Underground

Fatal Moon: Dead Alice In The Wonder Underground





A young demon working a part time job at a 20s-50s diner themed butler/maid cafe in the human world, gets sucked into the world of Dead Alice In The Wonder Underground, the hit demon world anime that has suddenly become its own universe! Get thrown into the rabbit hole and join him and his new friends as they try to make it back to his world! Can they escape the madness of The White Rabbit? An Alice in Wonderland inspired adventure!

Top Reviews



Status: c3 4yr
Hey Author,

Ever since I read Alice in Wonderland as a child I became fascinated with her adventures. From the moment she falls down a rabbit hole and lands into a fantasy world that is full of weird, wonderful people and animals her life changes, and in many ways does the life of the reader.

Your story is really unique as well. The name itself piqued my interest and when i read the synopsis, it got me hooked.
You have not only creatively used your imagination but also perfectly wrote it down. Few to none grammar errors were seen but then they are not disturbing the story plot at all.  
Waiting for the story to unfold. All the best. :)

Chapter 1: Poodle Days

The city of Grimoire Tokyo, in the country of Neo Japan, was quiet. Humans going about their way on the street, the holographic screens displaying ads floating next to shops. In this world humans and demons lived together, but they were not equal by any means. The wars that had gone on in the past and the war that was still raging in the streets was a bloody and violent one. Both sides had priests that fought with one another. Both sides wanted to survive and they fought hard to do so. But both sides also had citizens who wanted nothing to do with the struggles, those who just wanted to lead regular lives.

Unfortunately not all of that was going to happen to everyone. A pair of dog demon boys rush across the street, their eyes wild with fear. Behind them a human priest armed with a holy sword chases them, a hole in the back of his robes revealing his heart covered underwear. A group of high school human girls giggle, snapping photos of the panicking priest. It was a normal day in the city, the sound of a skateboard hitting the pavement could be heard. The blue haired teenage cat demon humming to himself as he came to this scene. Dressed in a maid uniform, a black poodle skirt with a purple poodle on it, a normal maid outfit style top but in purple and black, thigh high stockings in purple and black his shoes were black Mary Janes. He chuckled at the situation, his black and red skateboard flipping as he kicked it into the air, long blue hair with a star like pattern in it swaying in the wind. He landed on it and swerved his way past the priest who swiped at him and the dog demon brothers who gave him high fives.

"Hey Moonlight!" One of the dogs barked this as he jumped out of the reach of the holy sword, smiling at the cat demon.

"What's up Bones? Tough day?" The cat demon's actual name was Nekotsuki Mahou, but his friends simply called him Moonlight. His friends in question being these two dog demon brothers, Bones and Rat. They had two other friends, a goat demon named Riichi, and a glasses adorned rabbit demon with two left feet called Soru, but they were both killed in the demon vs human wars that were still going on. War was what Mahou was used to, it was his reality, but he tried to forget about it and just live a normal life. Migrating from home to the human world to attend school and work at his part time job everyday was hard sometimes. He made his way through it, got an apartment in the human world and he was currently living there while working and attending Grimdark high school.

Bones grinned and waved at him, "eh, I'll manage, now me and Rat have to get going, this priest isn't gunna let up after we ate most of his robes and stole the holy weapons cache from the armory store this morning! You, me, Rat, we are all going to watch Dead Alice In The Wonder Underground tonight man!" He gave Mahou a thumbs up and ran off, his brother behind him, waving at the cat.

"Yea! Season two: The Tall Man Shrieks is premiering tonight!" He waved while speaking and watched them as the demon hunting priest chased them down the street. Sighing he rode off and headed to his job. Dead Alice in The Wonder Underground was a hit anime in the demon world, but some human tv stations had the Hell network so he could still watch it with his friends while working and living in a Human world. It was a wild ride into a world of exotic but macabre talking animals and weird disproportioned humans with over cheery smiles. He loved watching it, the adventures the main character bishounen Alice got into as he struggled to not get eaten and make his way back home.

He hummed the theme song while skating to work.

The Poodle Skirt Cafe was a beautiful place, it was a red brick building with a 50s diner theme on the outside mixed with a 20s aesthetic. The outside had a pink and black checkerboard motif with a poodle skirt poodle in black next to the neon light pink words, The Poodle Skirt. The dog's leash was attached to the p in poodle, at the bottom where it curled into the black leash. The cafe had checkerboard print in black and white on the floor inside, small tables in black, silver legs that fanned out like a vase holding them up. The tables were each set with white plates and black silverware with pink polka dots on the edges of each. The tables were accented with white puffy chairs with similar legs to the tables. The booths were black and the tables white, the lights above them shaped like translucent poodle heads. There was a jukebox in the corner of the room playing an old song that spoke of sock hops and soda pop flowed into the restaurant smoothly. The walls of the cafe were a dark pink checkered pattern, paintings and pictures from the 20s all the way to the 50s hung on the walls. He put his skateboard away and walked inside and headed into the back, clocking in. He never saw his bosses, as the owners were unknown, but he did know that every demon employee were supposed to look the other way when something happened to a human customer.

He sighed and grabbed his uniform bonnet, his white cat ears twitching, the star patterns in his shimmered in the dim light in the back of the cafe. His lion tail, white tipped in blue fur the same color as his hair, twitched. He sighed and did the mandatory task of shifting back to his human form. His hair grew shorter, stopping at his shoulders, he shook it out and yawned. He still had blue hair but without the star patterns, his eyes turned brown, his claws faded away. He grunted as he felt his body shift and mumbled to himself, "just another normal, boring day." He walked into the main dining room of the cafe once fully human, his clipboard in hand. A pen settled in his other hand, he hummed again while walking around waiting on customers. A customer came in quietly, a priest, but his collar was off and he didn't hold any weapons. Mahou mentally sighed and walked over, pulling out a pink poodle shaped menu with the restaurant name in black on the cover, the inside had a black and white checkered theme background. He set it down in front of the human, "welcome to the Poodle Skirt Cafe, where the fifties are alive and hopping. How can I help you today?"

The priest said nothing, only whispering, "I've been waiting for you...our Alice..."

Mahou raised an eyebrow at the now very sweaty priest and backed up a bit, "look buddy I'm just trying to get your order...menu is right-"

He was cut off as the human threw a vial of green liquid at him, he tried to jump back but it was too late. The teen hit the floor and passed out, hours later he woke up in what appeared to be his human apartment with a jolt. He ran a hand through his own hair and sighed, still in his human form. Getting up he was breathing heavily and trying to cast the strange event from his mind. He walked toward his kitchen, but then paused as he felt an electric shock like pain shoot through his head. He fell to his knees and curled in on himself.

A moment later, Mahou woke up, staring at a strange blue and yellow plant that was hanging over his head. He got up slowly, looking down at himself, trying to shake the headache away, he was dressed in a blue gothic Lolita dress with a white trim on the ends, black tendril like hands reaching up in a pattern on the dress. The apron over the dress was white with a bunny's head on it with the eyes crossed out as the bunny was dead. He touched his head to find a blue bonnet, light blue on the outside and dark blue on the inside. As he moved his head he heard a jingle, reaching to his ear there was a small bottle filled with blue liquid labeled Drink Me dangling from a small earring chain in his ear. His eyes widened and he touched his face, trying to wake up. "How the hell did I get here? " he pushed through the strange plants to see a landscape filled with multi colored grass, leaping creatures that looked like a cross between a hare and a deer, and a green sky.

This was the world of the tv show! Dead Alice In The Wonder Underground, and he was somewhat dressed like Dead Alice! He tried to stop freaking out long enough to walk into the multi colored grass. He looked up at the small top hat wearing mouse riding on the back of a skeleton headed vulture that landed in front of him. The mouse hopped down from the saddle baring vulture, half his face was covered in boils and his eye was sticking out, enlarged at an odd angle. He was in a suit and was standing on his back legs. He took his top hat off and bowed, "Hello Alice! We have been waiting for you!"

His mind went blank, "why....."