I liked the synopsis and can't wait to read what happens later. I wish the unborn child and she can be safe after giving birth. The plot was unique and immediately piqued my interest.Author did a great job in describing scenarios.All in all author did a great job and looking forward to read more. I will definitely give 5/5 to encourage author and for his hardwork.
Cyren - is an female adult that is cursed to die from childbirth but yada ya a hi hello kusmata ka kaibigan mahal ko yada yada blah blah I can do this writing thing forever it never bothered me in the first place fae menas fairy and yada yada yada
Lyn - is a longterm friend of cyren, knows of the curse but respects cyren wishes to keep the baby
Kyle - new love of cyren feeling for cyren
Eric - loves Cyren but afraid of losing Cyren therefore refuses the baby.plot twist full magic creature elf
Rem - child of cyren
Valerie Versacé