

Reincarnated: The legendary moon sword

Reincarnated: The legendary moon sword

Diamond_Air | Sci-fi


Etornam, the assistant of the most powerful female swordsman at his time was cursed never to reincarnate. However, his mistress who fell on the battlefield engraved his soul within the legendary moon sword and granted him the helm of immortality. A strange sequence of events then leaves him in a world far more advanced than he remembers, encountering a young man by name Seksulfur. Without any idea of his location, Etornam is forced to act as a weapon for Seksulfur and is pulled into a pit of swirling events along with his new wielder. Will both of them be able to execute their goals or will they be destroyed by what lurks within them? In some worlds, tearing down those you deem dear brings eternal ecstacy... Cover art doesn't belong to me Chapter updates(GMT) Mondays Tuesdays Thursdays Fridays Sundays

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here story begins

Chapter 1: [CRUX COELESTIS DATABASE] - May contain spoilers.

Hewoo! Welcome to the Crux Coelestis database XD

This may or may not contain spoilers due to the fact that the story is still progressing and the database still updates along with it.

I'd recommend the database to only current readers. New readers can choose to read from the start or look into the database once they reach chapter 53.

Well, depends on you now.








-{Cloud 1: Earth's degradation}-

-{Cloud 2: ~locked~}-

-{Cloud 3: ~locked~}-

-{Cloud 4: ~locked~}-

-{Cloud 5: ~locked~}-





|Earth's Degradation - A.D 2650|

In the year 2300, the known chemical substances;

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

haloncarbon tetrachloride (CCl4)

methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3)

hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs)

hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)

methyl bromide (CH3Br)

bromochloromethane (CH2BrCl)

-All increased in volume and intensity at an increasingly fast rate due to the high demand for energy and developing Technological Science, finally destroying the Earth's natural shield (The Ozone Layer).

Several occurrences were left to take place, including high depletion in plant, animal and aquatic life. Even during this wake of horror, humans continued their experiments through their drive of curiosity. The population began to dwindle due to the immense heat from the sun but in the year 2458, the era of Super technology made use of machines for creating more generations of humans.

Eggs that were released from females at their early teen stage were collected in large amounts and fertilized by advanced incubators but the lifespan was cut down, giving humans only 40 years to live. The highest ever recorded in that era was 45 years.

Soon, the era of super technology ended when a sudden solar flare sparked up from the sun. The advanced buildings were not ready to withstand the shocking energy the sun threw at them. Thus, bringing up the sphere shield (Cradle layer) that instantly blocked out most of the harmful UV rays from the sun.

The force, however, was enough to knock the planet off balance. As a result, living on land became impossible as natural phenomenon such as floods, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and earthquakes evolved to be extremely deadly.

-The Aerial arm era was then born in the year 2570, Human settlements were moved high into the air. Unstable electrical charges and explosive gases in the atmosphere were all absorbed by the technology of that era and were used to keep all settlements airborne.

Several skydomes were built and they kept increasing along with human population which reached as high as 30 billion. These domes were made for specific purposes each separated by continents. Six major domes stored the highest sky energy;

The African dome

The Asian dome

The Australian dome

The Dome of the Americas

The European dome

The Antarctic dome

Animals were kept in special domes where Scientists were able to revive ancient creatures and modify their bodies to cope with their environment.

-In the year 2650, a hidden compound was found deep within the Earth after the last and great earthquake(Vox Magna) split half of the earth in two. The shining metallic compound raised the curiosity of mankind and forced them to return to the ground to extract the strange substance.

Scientists found out that whenever they tried to split the compound's elements, large amounts of energy flew into all directions and modified the chemical and physical components of matter. Energy could then last for a thousand to million years without losing quality.

This discovery gave birth to the insane thirst for more energy by humans. Soon, the compound began to sink deeper into the earth. Not wanting this, Scientists built a machine that had the power to forcefully pull specific types of evolved matter towards it but as the device pulled the compound, charges from the atmosphere merged with the shells of the atomic compound. The charges rushed in with such force that the process became equivalent to trying to split the compound's elements.

As a result of this, the energy-filled gas moved towards the device and evolved its state into a huge anti-matter source. Thus creating the most powerful bomb(The end's visit).

The device's programming was overwritten and a coded command was executed, sending the bomb flying deep into the core of the earth.

The huge chemical reaction between the anti-matter and the compound lead to a planetary explosion that destroyed major animal domes.

Luckily, the African dome at that time had gathered a huge amount of energy. Through that, powerful shields were put up and humans were left to watch as their planet degraded before their very eyes, bringing an end to the Aerial arm era.


[Cloud 1: Earth's degradation complete]








-{Battle tech classifications}-

● Mechs Warriors - ¤

● Valkyries - *

● Crusaders - +

● Battle Captains - ◇

● Cyborgs - "<>"

"-Accessing data files... Mech files found-"


Mech warriors are rare humans that have managed to enter a state of excellent synchronization with mechanical bots, gaining control using the electric charges from their brains.

The most effective way to bring out the full potential of planet-destroying bots was found to be through a perfect link with it. Talents related to the control of these bots involve brain stamina as connecting the brain to these bots could fry it in seconds.

Mech warriors are rare due to the scarcity of the talent thus, there are little mech warriors within the Era of Neo technology even though scientists are currently finding means and ways to shield the brain from a reverse charge during sync.

Due to all the advantages, mech warriors are given the maximum respect in the government since there are so little and their power is completely necessary in times of war and conquest.

Different brain waves allow one to tell the kind of mech warrior an individual is. Thus, the creation of the mech tree was established to tell the position of these different kinds.

(Mech tree)

○Mech warriors

/ \

○ Mech fabricators ○Mech pilots

| |

○Psychics ○Mecha bots

○Mecha suits

According to the tree, mech warriors are split into two main branches (The mech fabricators and mech pilots).

Mech Fabricators are an extremely rare branch that can transmit brain waves without having direct contact with a mech. This puts them at a disadvantage though, since they are unable to connect with mechs from far distances. They have weak bodies compared to their brains thus, they are kept on the main fleet or headquarters where they design mecha bots and suits. In a war-like situation, they can hack into enemy ships in space and control firearms at ease.

With this, they are further split into Psychic humans where these Psychics are more of a battle asset than the original fabricator that focuses on mech design.

The other branch (Mech pilots), transmit their brain waves through direct contact with a mech and thus, form a tight link that allows them to have control until there is a shortage of energy. This branch has the highest battle efficiency as they are split further into Mecha suits and Mecha bots.

The suits are worn before having the synchronization process done to keep the pilot safe in case there is a sudden reverse charge attack.

Other than that, the aid of the suit in ground battles with enemy troops whenever they lose control with their mechs.

"-Files closed-"


"-Valkyrie files are Encrypted, accessing the next available data... Crusader data collected (Highly confidential)-"

"-User confirmed... Access granted-"



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