


After the Day of the Lord. Those who had their name in the book of Life, where given the right to live on the new earth. Those who had their name removed from the book of life, where sent to the lake of fire. The place that makes hell, the place with the most fame for those who would be damned, seem like Heaven!!!!. Follow our protagonist, Damien, as he journeys through eternal damnation and his horrific adventures.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Chronicles of the Damned

The end of days came. Just as his word foretold. He came back, to bring judgment. His return marked the end of all things. And a new beginning. New skies. New earth. His word became reality. Just like in the beginning. Those who lived a righteous life. Those who were obedient, who never yielded to temptations, nor to the enemy. Those who did not fear what men can do, but who in turn, feared the Lord, have been given principalities and powers. They are now kings and queens. They are the true heirs of the earth. God's word, and his will, has been fulfilled.

Yet, for every good news, there is also bad news. Just like he foretold, and announced. He was to separate the wheat from the tares. Those who were just, from those who were unjust. His word was written from before the foundation of the earth. The warnings, laws, and consequences for violating said laws, where brought forth from that time. There is no excuse. Those who chose to follow the male goat, instead of following their pastor and their herd, to the fold. Those who worshipped the beast, and the false prophet. Those who let their generations (DNA) become impure, broken from their beautiful starts. which was given form by the hands of the Lord, like a dedicated, and delicate potter, whose masterpieces were ruined by juvenile offenders who thought that it was fun to make a petty crime.

They were not the only ones though. For the lake that burns with an fire that is forever unxtinguisheble, has the murderers, traitors those who desired pleasure over seeking the Lord. The list is nearly infinite. It also has. the men of great renown. Those who were corrupted in their generations. Those giants, who stood well 0ver 3,000 elbows in height, those who's lives were turned into myths. The principalities and powers that made way for their existence, disobeying the Lord, and abandoning their post. More importantly. He who thought could stand above all. He who deceived one third of the Lord's stars and started his crusade against all that is holy. He will be the epicenter of the divine punishment.

Prepare for the end, and relieve their beginning. See.... The Chronicles of the Damned.

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