Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The world in between life and death
In Nigeria, in a particular state, in a particular town,was a particular secondary School. It was closing time and the students were rushing out,all tired of studying. In the disarray of students hurdled together was a boy walking alone minding his own business, just like everyone else he was wearing a brown uniform and black tie. He was tall for his age(18) he was taller than most adults. His name's Remi Oyo, an average final year student he wasn't popular but he had a handful of friend,he lacked ambition as he still didn't have his course of study in mind for University.
(Those things are forgettable. The norms of this place are forgettable), Remi thought to himself (it's the memorable things and people who can catch up with these norms that are forgotten. This world is unfair).
Remi was one of the few people who wished the world could be different from what we currently have. He wanted real change.
Remi was crossing the street when the traffic light was red signaling all cars should stop, however a Keke driver(3 legged vehicle) wasn't paying attention to the road, the Keke speed up out of control and rammed Remi flinging him into the air. Before he hit the ground Remi's life had been extinguished.
"What?" Remi said as he saw a body surrounded by people.
"Who's body is that?... No way" Remi realized he was floating in the air, his legs were transparent and the body he saw was his own.
Remi began to ascend towards the sky. "Where am I going? 'sigh' I kinda wish I could have done more in my life, maybe even change somethings" as Remi said this, a red and a blue orb came out of his body.
A being that looked like a boy and a girl with a glowing wings came to inspect the orbs.
"Who are you?" Remi asked.
"Shhhh am inspecting your deeds" the being answered. After a minute or so the being introduced itself.
"Greetings, my name is Arill and am your personal guardian angel, am also assigned to check your bad and good deeds to see if your going to heaven or hell" Arill spoke.
"So it seems am really dead huh? So where am I heading Arill?" Remi asked.
"Well it seems your in that category of people who's deeds are equal both good and bad." Arill said as he put his hand on his chin.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Remi asked again even more confused than before.
"Let's see... If you had a chance to be reborn into this world again, would you take it?" Arill asked.
Without hesitation Remi answered "Of course".
"Well good luck to you then. I won't be seeing you for a while" Arill said as he held Remi by the collar and flung him towards the ground.
"Gaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" Cried Remi as he was passing through the very ground itself and was only seeing darkness.
All of a sudden a blue sky appeared below Remi as he was plummiting towards a ground he looked up to see a what looked like a blue moon but was actually earth.
"I guess am not on earth anymore. Furthermore how am I going to survive this!" Remi yelled.
Remi then saw 5 other dark skinned people falling as well, he tried to call out to them but everyone was panicking. The 6 people all were falling towards a castle like area, they collided and fell on the ground.
'Oof!' the 6 people all yelled together as they fell on the ground next to the castle.
Remi stood up and dusted himself off (that fall didn't do anything. What's going on). Remi and the others were approached by two heavily armored men
"please come with us" the men asked the group.
"Am not going anywhere unless I get some answers where am I?!" A guy with a blue shirt asked he seemed like a teenager too but was fatter than Remi.
"All your questions will be answered if you come with us" the men said again.
With no other choice the group followed the men. Remi notice the castle looked medieval, apart from that the area away from the castle had medieval styled houses and farmlands. (Where am I?) Remi thought to himself.
In the throne room after realizing this was a medieval world Remi was expecting a well endowed king, however what he saw sitting on the throne was an old goblin, literally a goblin with green skin and pointed ears, gray hair dressed in King attire with a crown to booth.
"6 people huh? Better than last time. Anyway I bet your wondering why am a goblin, but nope that's a long story. My name is Seth *the Goblin king* ruler of the Diora kingdom. Address yourselves only your first names though, your surnames don't matter in this world!" As king Seth said this Remi and the others felt a great pressure on their bodies.
"My name is Deborah am 28 years old I was hairstylist" The eldest looking woman spoke, she had wild untamed hair tho, she's wearing a blue long sleeve shirt and dark blue jeans.
"I didn't ask for occupation or age but you may continue that" Seth addressed the issue.
"My name is Alex am 17 years old I was still a student" they plump guy in blue said.
"Am also a student, am 18 and my name is Remi nice to meet you" Remi finally spoke out too still waiting for answers.
"My name is Elisa am 18 I was a maid" a girl with short hair wearing a pinkish maid outfit spoke up next she seemed depressed, well you can't blame her, she's died.
My name is Ali am of 20 years i was a law student. The oldest looking guy with glasses and a suit said as he was inspecting the room.
"And am Amaka, am 16..." The youngest girl said with a shy voice.
"With introduction out of the way I'll leave the explanations to my right hand man Victor" king Seth pointed to a skinny light skinned man with glasses.
"As you wish my Lord" Victor replied.
Victor took the 6 people to a briefing area and told the truth of this world
God had created a sort of trial for those who were neither good nor bad to prove their worth. They would have to defend a race of people different from themselves from an army of monsters controlled by the Demon Kings. Defeating all Demon Kings would earn them the right to be reborn in their previous world. Apart from human other races consist of goblins, dragons, vampires, elfs, arachnids, mermaids, undead, skeletons. Earning the rank of demon would give the creatures horns meaning all demon kings would have a set of 3 horns and those who serve then have 1 horn.
Moving onto the world set system all beings have a Halo like object above their head that shows the beings level of experience ( it can be visible or invisible at times) touching this displays the beings stats as well, being
Magic attack
Magic defense
Also classes such as swordsman, tank, ranger etc award bonus status points
Titles are also displayed on the status menu.
A word of advice for those other worlders who die here their souls are kept in a hellish limbo until the Demon kings are defeated.
Hearing this Remi's heart was beating like crazy what could he do in such a situation what would happen if he somehow died, all these were bombarding his mind, but also the thought that this world could give him a new goal in his life excited him.
With that done, Remi's journey in the Diora begins with both fear and excitement in front of him what will Remi do if he was to fall into despair. Find out next time.