Chapter 1: Prologue
Darkness envelope the battlefield. Many powerful spell was raining on the battlefield. Corpse scattered around everywhere. Many people screamed in despair.
Gin was standing alone at the top of the valley staring at the battle ground. The cold breeze of the night gently blew on his face. His long black hair tied in a ponytail was fluttering.
He slowly raised his right hand and said.
Black smoke suddenly come out from the corpse and a black hand came out from every corpse. Soon, every corpse slowly stood up covered in darkness.
"What? The shadow army?" One of the soldier cried out in shock.
"What is the shadow army doing here?" Another soldier said in despair, his knees was trembling in fear.
"My minions kill them all." a cold voice echoed in the surrounding.
The corpses that were standing still began to move. They started to slaughter every living being in the battleground.
A soldier looked up at Gin who was coldly looking at the battleground as his Immortal Army slaughter every creature.
"Why Necromancer of death?" He said in a coarse voice. The soldier began coughed out blood as one of the shadow stab him in the stomach.
Gin just glance at him before he looked up at the dark cloud that was hovering in the sky.
"Dragon god! come out now!" Gin said as he kept looking at the dark clouds in the sky.
"Necromancer of death, Elemental monarch, or Archmage of destruction. Which do you prefer? Or do you prefer to be called by your other title" An overbearing voice echoed throughout the battlefield.
"Suit yourself." Gin replied as he shrugged his shoulder. A ball of light formed in his palm, he then threw it in the dark clouds at the sky.
The ball of light exploded in the sky as it disperses the dark clouds.
Gin smirked as he started to float. He emitted a large amount of mana. He looked at the huge dragon in the sky.
Dark green scales that was thicker than metal, huge body that almost 5,000 meters tall. Large claw that could destroy a large building in slash and a tail that was thicker than a building.
"Whoa!! Dragon god you sure look dominating." Gin said in a amuse tone.
"You dare to make fun of a god." the dragon god said angrily.
"What if I dare? I already killed a god before, it's not like your the first." Gin taunted the Dragon God.
The Dragon God roared loudly. The ground tremble from her roar. A large amount of dragons descended from the sky.
"Hahahaha!!" Gin laughed and said, "That's it Dragon God!" He opened both of his arms and said, "Come my army!"
A fifty meter tall golem formed on the ground. A knight in a dark armor riding a black horse also emerges from the ground. Powerful creatures continue to appeared.
"The true army of the Archmage." The Dragon God looked at the army behind Gin.
A Death Knight, Golem, Blood Golem, and many other strong creature were lining behind Gin.
A Death Knight stepped forward and knelt down in front of Gin.
Gin didn't looked at the death knight, he only said, "Kill the dragons."
As soon as Gin said that he immediately flew at the Dragon God at high speed.
Gin's army followed him as they clashed against the dragons.
Gin and the Dragon God's battle destroyed many mountains almost half of the continent was burned down by their fight.
"I'm one of the strongest God there is Archmage, I'm not going to die that easily." The Dragon God roared as she kept firing a high tier spell to Gin. The Dragon God was in her humanoid form as she was an easy target to Gin's spell when she was in her dragon form.
Gin smirked at the Dragon God's words. He suffered many wound in his body with his fight against the Dragon God. Sure, Dragon God was stronger than those gods he killed before.
Both of them clashed at each other once more.
"You won Archmage..." the Dragon God said before she fell from the sky. The Dragon God reverted back to her dragon form while falling.
The ground shook heavily when the Dragon God's body crashed on the ground.
Gin looked at the Dragon God inside the huge crater that her large body made when she landed.
He felt his eyelids become heavy. He looked at his body and found that he was covered in blood. He also slowly fell down from the sky.
'This is it.' Gin thought while looking at the sky as he continue to fall down.
'It's been twenty years since I came to this world with my friends.'
'George, Haruto, Kagura I'm coming...' Gin thought as he closed his eyes.
Gin and his friend transported to this world twenty years ago. At first they were excited as the four of them thought that they were going to become a hero of this world. But contrary to their expectation the four of them couldn't understand the language in this world. The city guard didn't let them enter the city as the four of them don't have any identification. Some merchant tried to make them slave.
They tried very hard just to survive in this world every day. Then, a war broke out and the four of them caught in a cross fire. George died, Gin and his friend mourned George's death. No one tried to take them as they couldn't read and understand their language.
The war intensify and become a global scale. Another year after George's death, Kagura died. Gin and Haruto become a scavenger in the battlefield taking the loots of the dead bodies. Another year later, both of them become a Rank 10 mage. The duo became somewhat famous as they massacre many army from different country.
A group of elites were dispatched to take care of Gin and Haruto. In the battle against those elites, Haruto died. Gin was devastated, his only friend in this world died. That time, he was alone there's no one he could called his comrade in this world. He just want to die at that time but he promised his friend Haruto to live.
After many years, Gin once again exposed himself in the world as a Rank 1 Archmage, then he massacre an entire kingdom of those elites that ambushed him and Haruto.
"I'm tired. I just want to rest now." Gin smile from the bottom of his heart once again. He felt satisfied in his life he just want to rest.
"Your Majesty!" the death knight shouted as he rushed at Gin's direction.
"Master." A woman shouted as she also rushed at Gin.
Many of Gin's summoned started to rushed at his direction.
Suddenly a bright light envelope Gin. All of his summoned stopped in their place as they covered their eye's.
'What is this?' Gin thought as he felt a warm energy envelope his body. But his magic resistance started to dispersed the energy. Gin turned off his resistance as he let the energy covered him.
"Heed my call!"
A girl was standing while her eye's was close as she kept muttering a chant. She then brought out a knife and cut her palm. Blood drip from her palm to a magic circle in the ground.
As soon as the blood made contact at the magic circle, it shone brightly that made the entire room white.
The girl fell in her knees as she breathe heavily.
"It's a success, now I'm a full fledge summoner." the girl said between her breath.
She looked up and saw a man lying in the ground. The man's body was covered in blood.
She started to panic, "What's this? My familiar is covered in blood."
She stood up and went to the man. She brought out a towel and a first aid kit.
She cleaned the blood his face, arm, and legs. She noticed the creature she summoned looked like a human race but she immediately decline this thought as there's many race that looked like human. The man was handsome, no, even more handsome than most of the model here in this world.
"Just what is he?" She muttered while looking at his face.