"SON, CONTROL YOUR EMOTION!" This is a story of a human who lived on earth but was suddenly teleported to a place called the Enchanted World. It was never an accident, it was an answer. But what lies ahead in this very place called Enchanted world? Is it wonders? Peace? Bliss? Fulfillment? Paradise? Or malice... Everyday, this 21 year old young man asks for a new world for him as he always hated himself living on earth. His self esteem is going down the drain every steps he take, every eyes that happen to meet his, every glance from a person towards him. He hated the world, he despised what was becoming of him. Although... as a child, he was gifted. But what happened to this gifted child? It so happened that he existed in the wrong world. He was cheated on, deceived, abused, bullied, unloved, and disregarded. Why did such a jolly person turned out the way he is now? Because of one thing he misunderstood... EMOTION. He lost some of his memories upon arriving to a different world, an Enchanted World. The new appearance he had made him think that he was just dreaming, "Aw! Wait-... Woah Woah woah! What is this! It's not a dream?!"
So there goes my 5 stars. I have reasons why I voted my own story 5 stars. Because this story is not only original but it is my very own concept, idea, and plot. Not inclined with the usual storyline such as martial arts etc. I've did that from my first work. But this one is different, it is a much more anticipated and thrilling where I can say myself that the story will have a great story development and unexpected twists. This is not your daily goody novel where it feeds you what you expect. Just be ready to feel mixed emotions as you delve into it. I'm telling you. I warned you. Enjoy Emotion Rage, be sure not to be controlled by your emotions...
Okay so since there's only one chapter to go off of I can't really say much. The story and the world has been established smoothly which is good. MC wakes up in a new world with a body 5 years younger than his original. Character-wise, Vula has been developed nicely, even moreso than the MC Ceraun imo. I'm not sure if this was your intention or the characters natural speech pattern, but some of the dialogue is a bit choppy. (e.g "I'll explain to you everything, Now listen close, very closely.We only have 30 minutes all in all for me to explain it to you. Sit down here, kid!") Instead of mashing all those details into a single speech bubble, you could spread them out a bit between actions and make add some detail around them. For example Vula could be like: "I'll explain everything to you, now listen close" *Ceraun stood idly in shock over the sudden turn of his life* "We only have 30 minutes all in all for me to explain it to you! Sit down, kid!" Sorry this review was a bit long, but since there was only one chapter I couldn't really review much and just decided to give some suggestions! Keep going, its pretty good start so far!
"As long as you live, you win."
Lee Creighton read it as his eyes opened while lying at a bed, it was written at the ceiling of the room. He just woke up from a deep sleep of 7 days. Aches everywhere were on his body and his back pain is killing him, it was the reason he suddenly woke up.
"Hey, get up! Hey! Get the hell up!" A small voice talked somewhere in the room.
"What was that? Is anyone there?" Lee muttered as he carefully rises up to sit, then he slowly felt relieved from the back pain that was thrusting him.
"Get the hell up! And shut up!" A tiny android with flapping wings shouted at Lee Creighton.
Lee Creighton struggled as he was surprised and jumped out of the bed pointing his index finger out to the flying tiny android.
"Wh-who are you?! What are you? Where am I?!"
The tiny android sighed.
"You're in a place called the Enchanted World, okay? You are the chosen human to participate and represent your world, the Earth. So calm down and let me tell you the rest of the details. Are we cool? You thin big-eyed boring face!
Aahhh! Why does it have to be me? Why am I stuck with this guy here... from his looks alone, he seemed to be a boring guy. Ugh! Boring guy." Intensely staring Lee Creighton up close with a smug face.
Lee Creighton was uneasy but curious and slowly lifted his hand to touch the flying android.
"I'm made out of enchanted metal where most of you commoners don't know what it is! Now, before you ask anything and be curious about something whether do you still have your balls or not. Or did you turn into a woman or something? Let me ask you your name first. What is your name young man?"
Lee Creighton touched the thing between his legs to be assured that he still has it. And rest assured, he sighed as he had confirmed it. Next was his face, he finds a mirror to see what his face looks like. Then he saw a shiny table where he can see a reflection of himself.
"I turned... Why am I younger? I'm like about 16 years old me?!" Lee Creighton widened his eyes as he is surprised by what he found out. That he was 5 years younger from his true age. Oh wait, who am I?! I can't even remember who I am."
The android smirked as he expected Lee Creighton's reaction.
"Hehe! Of course, you don't know your name but as time passes you will certainly regain your memory. Though I'm not sure in your case how long will you be able to regain it, the calmer you are the faster it would be. So for now, let me tell you the rules of this world, the Enchanted World. Let me tell you my name first, my name is Vula and tiny beings like me are called delegate guardians." Vula the guardian of Lee Creighton slowly flew towards him and sat in the bed.
"Calmer? What does that mean-"
"Listen first young man! Or can I say kiddo." Vula interrupted Lee Creighton.
"I'll explain to you everything that's been boggling your mind since the moment you woke up. Now listen close, very closely." While Vula was talking he got annoyed watching Lee Creighton seemed like he was not listening at all as he was looking all over the room anxiously.
"We only have 30 minutes all in all for me to explain it to you. Do you mind listening to me now?" Vula staring at Lee Creighton standing near the door of the room like he was some statue or something.
"Sit down here, kid!" Vula raised his voice as his round marble black eyes followed Lee Creighton slowly sitting in front of him.
"30 minutes? But why-"
"Are you an ex-idiot you idiot? Didn't I tell you to just listen closely as I will tell you every detail and rule you need to know in this world? What you need to know about the Enchanted World. Every world has its name, yours is named Earth. Now this one, an Enchanted World is called Evear.
You are now living in this world called Evear. So therefore, you need to live like an Evearian. It's what the inhabitants of Evear are called. Before we proceed to the rules, you must follow the instructions I'm about to give you now. Every delegate like you have a guardian like me. For us to guide the delegate, to train, to develop, to mentor, and to make you the winner! Bahp! Bahp! Nope, don't speak yet. Don't ask any questions yet, I don't want to be interrupted."
Lee Creighton holds it in what he was supposed to ask Vula. And he continued to listen closely with curiosity in his eyes.
"Good. You're learning. Just keep every question you have in yourself first, then you can ask later. Now, where were we... Oh yeah, there. You are exactly in a state of confusion right now. I don't need to ask you that."
Lee Creighton nodded expectantly.
"You are from a far far away world. Light years distance from this one. So don't ever think about going home yourself." Vula laughed.
"Teleportation from one world to another is a common thing for summoners. Summoners serve as Arbiters in this competition. They also have the ability if joined together to bring someone on this planet no matter how far it is. And that was your case. Again, you represent earth so consider yourself lucky, or blessed whatever you may call it. Not all the time that someone will be chosen to represent a planet or a world.
And that's you! Ceraun! Yes! Your name is Ceraun... here in this world. Don't think that it's your real name because it's too cool for it to be your real name." Vula chuckled.
"It's a name that is assigned to you. Because everyone that I mentor shall be called Ceraun or Thunder! Why? Because everyone I trained, won this competition!" Vula smirked.
"Now you can talk, I know you're amazed by me. Autograph? Oh come on, sure." Vula laughed amusedly while having a smug on his face.
"Y-yes, it sounds amazing and cool. I mean my name is cool, Ceraun. I know it's not my true name but since you gave it to me then I shall embrace it!" Lee Creighton was happy just to be acknowledged with a name. Although he has forgotten some of his memories he still felt that it was something he is happy to hear about.
This instance struck Vula's attention as he paused staring at Lee Creighton's face as he was smiling.
Vula smiled and muttered,
"That's why... Such a lonely and sad past."
"Competition... What do you mean by that? Do I need to win this competition? What kind of competition it is? What do I need to do to win? I'll do whatever it takes! I don't know why but it feels like it's something that I need to do!" Lee Creighton asked as he leaned down towards Vula sitting in front of him.
"This competition is galactic wide. Meaning, every existence in the universe participates in this once in every 200 years event. And that year is today, then here you are. Ceraun! Your turn to shine." Vula raised his small white metallic fist to Lee Creighton.
"What now? Are you that ignorant? Aren't you supposed to bump your fist on mine? Oh come on, Ceraun! Do I need to teach you all things?" Vula sighed.
"Oh, sorry... There!" Lee Creighton or also known as Ceraun in the world called Evear bump his fist to the fist of Vula his guardian.
There formed a history where everyone shall look upon.
"There it goes! A legend is born! I will mentor you with everything I can to help you win this competition. I've taken too long of our time, 30 minutes is about to be up. So for now, I need you to follow my instructions at any cost. Minutes by now, summoners will enter this place and will check your condition to see if what they had summoned is a successful prodigy. Well, I don't know if you really are one. But I need you to act a dumb crazy mentally disabled kiddo, okay? Did you get that boy? Huh?
All you need to do is sit on that table right there and draw circles on the table and do not at any cost look them in the eyes
Of course, they would try to look yours but stare at the floor as best as you can! I'm hearing footsteps, I need to go hide. I'll be right back. Remember, don't you ever talk to them or tell them that I'm with you. Got that? This is my first test to you so do this right!" Vula then flew away and hid from the summoners approaching the white room.
Ceraun then internalized and acted crazy. He followed what Vula told him. His idea of being crazy was effortlessly hanging his jaw while being uncomfortable. Which is what he mastered in his past life. Saliva then dripped from his mouth as he draws circles with his finger in the table beside the bed.
The door slid and the summoners entered the room.
"Is this the guy?! He seems to be another failure." The senior summoner shook his head and went away right away.
"Good! Way to go saliva man!" Vula chuckled as he was hiding afar from the other building near where Ceraun was staying and feigning craziness.
"What do we do now? Another failure!" The summoner said.
"You saw the expression of the Senior summoner, what else can we do now?!" Other summoner sighed.
"The King will be disappointed." A summoner said.
Suddenly, Ceraun or Lee Creighton as his real name remembered something vague from his past. He shouted in pain and was pulling his hair as his head felt like it was breaking.
"Woah, he's taking it to another level. Good acting, Ceraun! Keep it up!" Vula laughed not knowing that Ceraun was actually feeling pain in his head.
While in pain Lee Creighton uttered,
"Son, control your emotion."