Kazu who was abandoned by his parents forever was kick out from his own very house. He sold himself to a young man who is rich exchange of getting his house back and learning again but he didn't know he'll be stuck with Izaya forever, knowing ever little bit of him suddenly he felt something he doesn't think he will feel to a guy.
Hi, I'm food or you can call me anything. Right now, I'm Ais at Discord.
I'm just here to inform about LSA0, the characters.
So Izaya and Kazu, are my friends at Discord. Sadly they aren't gay or couple, I made this and my friends a FanFiction for them. Well, Kazu and Izaya isn't actually excited or happy about this xd
Right from the start it is actually a collaboration but because my "friends" are busy with other stuff or just really don't want to do a story it's just became a solo or I'm still collaborated with someone.
So for the Volume 2, it might not happen or it might happen, it depends on my friend who is still willing to do this. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this amateur writing. And also I am a slow update person, so please have patient with me :)))
-The One who called herself food/Ais Krem