

What is a Genetic Vampire?

What is a Genetic Vampire?

Sapphire_Ace | Sci-fi


In a futuristic world where genetic engineering has created a new breed of vampire, the rich and privileged Maisie Lennox finds herself drawn to the enslaved class of "people," 'GenAlucards' who serve her kind, but when her loyal servant Igor reveals his own infatuation with her, Maisie is forced to confront the harsh realities of the society she lives in. As she grapples with her own privilege and the moral implications of the genetically engineered vampire system, Maisie comes to question everything she thought she knew about the world around her. With complex characters and a thought-provoking storyline, "What is a Genetic Vampire" is a gripping read that explores themes of power, morality, and love in a world where the boundaries between human and monster are constantly shifting.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Chapter One- Igor.

"Igor, bring me my makeup," the mistress of Lennox Manor said. Igor dreaded the job of being a personal servant, but it was much better than the coal mines that he had to work in before.

Igor dreaded the dark, even if he was supposedly a 'creature of the night.' He hated it with every fiber of his whole being. It was freezing cold in the caves that the coal hid in, and the firedamp that leaked from the makeshift walls stunk to high-heavens.

Igor and the other slaves, unlike the humans, could tell if there were any leaks of methane or other flammable gases near by with their enhanced sense of hearing and smell.

The canary in a coal mine was no longer, because the GenAlucards were much more efficient, and a very few handful of humans were there to supervise. They were able to avoid the diseases humans were prone to when it came to working there.

Working in the coal mines was still dangerous, as they were known for their treacherous cave-ins.

They came without warning, and anyone standing in their way were either killed or gravely injured. A disadvantage to them was that they were still not any stronger than humans, and they had a hard time working in confined spaces because of the bat wings that got in the way. Their wings were restrained, but they still were bulky.

"Here is your bag of makeup, Mistress." Mistress Maisie snatched it away from him. "Ooh, let's see! What would I like to put on my lips? Red or Black, Igor?" Maisie turned and stared at him until he gave an answer.

"I always say that it's your decision in the end, but I like the red one more as it goes with your hair."

Mistress Maisie twirled her hair of a chocolate brown color on her finger and smiled.

"Why, thank you, Igor." Mistress Maisie then continued on to smear the red substance around her lips and puckered them up to him.

Humans were an unfamiliar race to the GenAlucards and some of the things they did confused them.

"Don't I look gorgeous?" The Mistress bragged. Igor quickly looked her up and down while she was not looking. Maisie was wearing a nice purple flowing blouse and black slacks, her long, curly, chocolate brown hair was in a messy bun.

Her eyes, hazel and telling were accented by mascara and eye liner, with a little bit of yellow eye shadow. Her skin tone a very pink but fair shade made the red lipstick stand out even more.

"Mistress Lennox, I can't confirm that as I'm forbidden to." Maisie frowned.

Igor knew all the rules when it came to being a servant; a step up from being one of the slaves to any of the mines. He never again wanted to go through the hell that was being enslaved.

He liked the servitude life much better, as he was able to get consistent meals of moderate size, or at least compared to before when portions were small which had made him weak.

He was also fortunate to have the tiniest bit of time to be alone inside his own little room before bed and in the early part of the morning, that is when he read the classic vampire books like Dracula, The Hunger, 'Salem's Lot, and many others.

He had found them at a local bazaar and they fetched high prices, because they were hundreds of years old and had not been in print for a long time.

Igor had always wondered why vampires sounded so similar to his race. The vampires in the stories he read had fangs, similar eye colors and pale skin that his race had. They could change into bats, as compared to the GenAlucards who had big black bat wings on their backs.

The only difference was that, the vampires in the story could grow and get rid of wings in an instant, but the GenAlucards had to bear the full weight of them all of the time, and Genalucards did not drink blood.

When Igor looked in the mirror he saw his pale face, crimson colored eyes, and his wavy deep red hair that flipped to one side. He was tall comparatively to the other servants but kind of lanky, but strong and toned.

A servant was required to memorize the following set of rules to be instated:

There shall be no intimate conversations between the servants; GenAlucard(s), and their master(s).

The servant shall only eat after their master(s) have, and only when the master(s) grant them permission to.

The curfew is 20 'O' clock.

Rising time is at 6 'O' clock.

Servants should always have their electric collars on besides during shower time.

The electric collar's alarm will always go off at 6 'o' clock, with a bit of vibrating and will continue into different variances of shock until the servant wakes up and pushes the button on his door.

There shall be no mating between humans and GenAlucards and if found out, this is punishable by death.

This is the truth, but humans ignore a lot of the basic rights of GenAlucards and even force them to mate with whomever they chose for them. The Alucards have always had arranged marriages made for them at the age of thirty-five and have to produce children or suffer the consequences.

This was if they were steer being bred to have more steer to keep up the production.

GenAlucards can have babies with no problems at the age of thirty-five because, unlike humans, their fertility cycle lasts from twenty-five to sixty, as their puberty hits very late compared to humans. Their population is on the decline due to their odd fertility cycle and their general enslavement.

It dawned on Igor that he was to be married off with someone of his own kind. Unfortunately, he had never met anyone he found particularly aesthetically pleasing and he was frightened about the prospects of his future.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, Mistress Maisie was very beautiful, and she was only five years younger than him at twenty. He put it out of his mind, because, what good would it do for him to think of thoughts regarding her beauty or charm?

He could not have her. He was a man of a different species and of a different class.

Mistress Maisie got up out of her chair and Igor opened the door for her.

"Why, thank you, Igor." It was that kind of politeness that Igor greatly appreciated about her. All of the other Masters and Mistresses in the house (all four of them) treated him with far less consideration.

Igor was Mistress Maisie's personal servant so he had not had much of a chance to really get to know the other members of Maisie's family.

Maisie made her way down into the dining room where lied a small feast; Several southern biscuits with jam, honey and butter were placed in the middle of the table.

There were steaming, enormous sized pieces of bacon next to those. As for beverages, there was a big pitcher of milk and of orange juice. There was also an omelet on each table setting of the table, made a specific way for a specific person.

Maisie sat on the side of the table next to the far right edge next to the seat where her mother sat. They had decided where they would sit at the table long ago, and no one seemed inclined to change it.

Igor pulled out a chair for Mistress Maisie. She sat down in it with great posture, and made sure her dress was not too folded underneath to avoid any wrinkling. She was wearing a purple flowered summer dress.

"Mistress Maisie, would you like some coffee and milk?" A maid asked.

"Yes, please, with two spoons of sugar."

"Of course, right away." The maid rushed off.

"If I may inquire, what would you like to eat, Mistress?" Igor asked.

"I'll take a biscuit with a dab of butter and some honey on each half, and four pieces of bacon."

"Yes, Mistress." Igor nodded.

The meal looked so scrumptious to Igor, and with any luck, if there happened to be any left overs, he would be able to have some. Otherwise, the butlers and maids had to make their own food which consisted of the same old choices of oatmeal, cereal or toast accompanied by water.

Igor lifted up the metal half moon lid surrounding Maisie's omelet and took her plate, he then continued to use a pair of tongs to pick up a biscuit and another pair to pick up the bacon.

"Here is your meal, Mistress." He placed it down in front of her and she gave him a smile.

Mr. and Mrs. Lennox came out of their usual doors and sat on their usual ends of the table. Mr. Lennox was on his extremely advanced smart phone which was programmed into his reading glasses. He was wearing his usual suit that consisted of a blue coat, a white button up long sleeved shirt, blue trousers and he wore black dress shoes.

Mr. Harry Lennox looked a lot like his daughter Maisie or basically she looked like him. The only difference was their hair, his was black and was chopped pretty short to keep with the standard at work. If looks could kill his would. Harry's hazel eyes always seemed to bore through Igor, but most of the time he was definitely invisible to him.

Mrs. Lennox was looking at herself in her little powder mirror. Her green eyes were complimented by blue eyeshadow. She had wavy blonde locks, her medium short hair made into ringlets that bounce when she moved.

"I'll have what Maisie is having, and so will my wife." Mr. Lennox requested.

"Oh... Right away, sir." Igor found it hard to tell when Mr. Lennox was on his phone or talking to his servants. Only the tone of his voice that varied somewhat non-frequently and tended to be monotonous the majority of the time, could give him away.

He was killed inside due to moments like these. Why couldn't they be more 'real?', Igor thought to himself. The wife just powdered her face and shoveled food into her mouth. Mistress Maisie basically ate without talking. A lot of silence, a lot of chewing, and a lot of hearing what Mr. Lennox's conversations where all about.

"Mary, get my papers together. YES, they are right on the computer. Print them off and put them in a folder for me. Thank-you." It seemed like meaningless conversation, and little or no acknowledgment came between them, and that was how the typical Lennox family meal had gone. To break the monotony, Mistress Maisie's brothers came out from the wood-work.

Leo, her older brother by 10 years, lived in the manor with them. He had amber eyes and distinctively strawberry blonde light red hair, and an unfortunate hunch of a back. He would be considered handsome if he didn't have a bulge. He had decided to not get a job right out of college which was two years prior when he had gotten his PHD in Biochemistry. This was of no help to his parents, as he kept on living off of their money.

The other brother, Maisie's younger by two years, Dash, who was still in high school, came down the stairs and into the dinning room quick, and ate his breakfast as fast as he could. He was late for school. That was not very uncommon for him.

As Igor had observed from the few months that he had been with the Lennox family, Dash hadn't a care in the world, and would even skip school some days. He took his flying Jaguar out and had all of the girls a boy could possibly handle, he called them his harem. Dash was strikingly handsome with blonde wavy hair and green eyes.

The Lennox family was just another group that had become rich off of all the new technology that had come out in the prior years.They were new money. They dabbled in trading and selling of GenAlucard slaves, which had made them the bulk of their money in the past decade.

Mistress Maisie, the only other girl in the family, actually had the ambition to become someone to change the world. She wanted to become a Political Science Major to see how the shadow organizations thought, and someday, maybe, make the slavery of the GenAlucards come to a halt, just like slavery had been stopped in America once before. She wanted to help them become just another minority with all the same rights as humans.

She already acquired her associates degree in Humanities and was now on her way to her Bachelor's degree. She stayed with her family for their comfort and support. She had always enjoyed her own bedroom, with her cozy Jacuzzi bath tub and her smart TV above it. That came handy with her servants who waited on her hand and foot.

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