I really love the set up of the story. Author you've really taken time to set up the background first which really sets the scene of the type of story we are getting in to. World building is spot on and from what i can see its only going to get better.
The narrative is clear, there are no wasted words and everything is set clearly right from the beginning. Its really exciting to see where this story goes.
Keep writing author. Great job 👌
omg i love this fantasy theme and i also find the names you came up with like "Avalon" and "Aro" to be rlly cool this world building is j amazingg !!
I really enjoyed this book without giving anything away, I must say I was surprised I liked it so much as books I previously read with similar plots normally don’t resonate well with me. This however was done so well and I really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work dear author.