

Vampire: the Masquerade - Nirvana

Vampire: the Masquerade - Nirvana

Fiona_Singer | Urban


*A rewrite based on the White Wolf video game Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodline, but with major adaptations and is intended for readers who don't know the series, be advised to treat it as a brand-new work instead of Fan Fiction. Chasing after a shadow from her past, Leona entered the world of the mystical blood-thirsty undead, but the awaiting danger is far greater than she could ever imagine: the grand game of politics, the battling sides of humanity and beast in their nature, and the brutal Jyhad in the modern nights...Lost and afraid in this chaos, she has to continue on this path--because there is no going back. *Violent and Sexual Contents. *Cover Painting and Design by 2cyan, All Copyrights Belong to the Artist.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Kindred Lore 1: The Original* Six Traditions

The First Tradition: The Masquerade

Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.

The Second Tradition: The Domain

Thy domain is thine own concern. All others owe thee respect, while in it. None may challenge thy word while in thy domain.

The Third Tradition: The Progeny

Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine elder. If thou createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain.

The Fourth Tradition: The Accounting

Those thou create are thine own children. Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things. Their sins are thine to endure.

The Fifth Tradition: Hospitality

Honor one another's domain. When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there. Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.

The Sixth Tradition: Destruction

Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind. The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder. Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt.

*The primeval Traditions were extracted from Kindred historical records and adopted by the founders of Camarilla as the constitution of Camarilla law, but as time passed, the interpretation and enforcement of Traditions were refined by Senators, Princes and Regents, and there are many differences of practice between Camarilla, North America(CNA) and Camarilla, Greater Europe(CGE), e.g. the conduct of Blood Hunt: in CNA, a Judicator is appointed by each of the seven Camarilla clans to take care of this dirty business, one of whom is selected to be the Prime Judicator to serve as the commander and executer of punishments for severe or special crimes, while CGE carried on with the old way, where the sinner is listed as wanted in the entire region and whoever brings its head to the Prince will receive the reward.

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