I have been following this story closely for the past few weeks and I am genuinely pleased. It was not your usual romance story, for it was also infused with fantasy which kept it interesting and mysterious!
ML (or I hope he is) - He was not your perfect ML, but my advice to fellow readers to not give up and kept reading. I hope Author can promise a happy ending here 😆
Love scene (a.k.a sex) - I have read Author's other one shot, which was really good. So I don't have any comment on this one. It was described in a very beautiful way, without losing the essence of the whole storyline. Steamy and sexy at the same time.
Overall, I am having a good time and declare myself as one of your readers. I am definitely waiting patiently for your next chapters.
Status: c35yr
I haven't read much, but so far; i love the flow of the story. Nice introduction and an excellent use of English words.
I strongly recommend this, check it out; if you wanna read something slightly different and refreshing. It's worth it.
Nice work author. And damn! Your grammar wows me. I'm gonna keep following this.