

Terani Mara

Terani Mara





The one who wears the crown, bears the crown.

Top Reviews



Status: c8 5yr
Ես սիրում եմ պատմությունը: Թեպետ ես քարը սրտով էի, այնպես որ ես ոչինչ չգիտեի, իսկ բոլորը կոպտորեն կոտրված էին: Doot doot Doot doot Doot doot Doot doot Doot doot. Hope my little grandniece likes my review I'll pinche your cheeks later. 


Status: c1 5yr
Found it! Why dont you want me to read this niice story? 😭 Stingy author!
Awesome story. First chapter is not boring 🤭
And the following chapters are so interesting. Keep up your good work. I will always here waiting for your updates🤭💕💕


Status: c9 5yr
First I was intrigued by the name. Then charmed by the historical vibe of the cover.
The blurb just spoke to me. Personal drama. Secrets. Romance. Royalty. Trouble ahead... What's not to like?

The story, for now is a tragedy. with many touch of humir that help us not fall in tears. 

It's emotional, it's profound. And mostly, it is written very well, so much that I only stopped because there were no more chapters

Author, I WILL be very MAD at you if you don't change your mind and give more chapters. Your story is amazing

Chapter 1: Vocabulary (Saquiro):

Mangko - Previous King

Samaya - Previous Queen

Hangko - King

Sadaya - Queen

Ingko - Crowned Prince

Saraya - Crowned Princess

Iko - Prince

Saya - Princess

Ahma - Father

Yna - Mother


Iro - Son of Official / Royal

Iya - Daughter of Official / Royal

Parih - Prime Minister

Larih - Minister


Imo - Mr.

Ima - Mrs.

Sama - Female Teacher/Professor

Samo - Male Teacher/Professor