

Endless Vertex

Endless Vertex

bacon_bacon | Eastern


Same old earth. Civilians living an absolutely normal life. But beneath the surface of our peaceful society, there are Warriors who commoners don’t know about, roaming amongst us. Like all humans, they fight against the unknown and even between themselves in order to gain ultimate power. They can accomplish extraordinary things that modern science has yet to prove and achieve. This is a novel about Atlas, a teenage Warrior’s adventures to investigate his ancestry, cultivating to the pinnacle and discover life’s true purpose, as well as fascinating things that might actually exist in reality. Who knows? Your 80 year old neighbor could be a Warrior who can smash boulders and do the impossible. There is no limit to what people can achieve. So yeah. Thx for your support! Also, please feel free to leave comments. I strive to improve. If you like it, smash the five star button and save it to your library as support. Thank you!

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Not so sure what this is... But it’s a must read.

Names are an essential representation of a person. No matter how silly or weird a username maybe be, there is always a deep story worth cherishing behind it.

In my case, my name is just totally random and shallow. Have a nice day :)


My friends asked me to make one Patreon account, but I don't really care about making cash. At least for now. If you like what I write you can donate 0.000000000000001 dollars if that's possible. I hope you like what I am writing and have a good day!

I'm a Filipino, Indonesian, Canadian Chinese who currently studies in Singapore. Telling you this information just for fun. ^_^

Also, how to you add tags to a novel. I'm still not sure. ^_^

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