

Yearning of Cherry Blossom

Yearning of Cherry Blossom

Xiaoyiyi8 | Romance


"Little Lass ah, look at master, don't master face look so handsome?" "Xinghui ah, become my disciple." "Little ball, let me cook for you!" Xinghui stared at the three adult people in front of her, and her eyes drifted to the sky. What sin she did in the past to meet these weird people, ah?! - dropped series -

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here story begins

Chapter 1: 00

A tiny light floating in the vast nothingness. Drifted into countless fogs and lands, for unknown millenia, the tiny light slowly became bigger, later a body formed. However, it still shapeless. As if drowned into eternal sleep, the body let itself washed by the flow of merciless time.

Specks of consciousness morphed, developing a feminine figure from the light, shapeless body.

The subtle light dispersed, revealing the skin of mortal female. Pale snow hair threading her body, as if covering the nakedness of her clothless skin. Her lashes trembled and slowly the girl opened her eyes. Blank watery eyes, frighteningly emotionless and cold staring above.

Her lips slightly opened, yet no noise came out. After numerous failed attempt to formulate her mind, the girl gave up.

For a long time, the girl just lay down with no movement.

One day, in the middle of her deep sleep the girl heard someone calling her. However, no matter the girl tried to listen, the voice too distant and blurry. And the last time she knew, the pure white nothingness of her dream changed into darkness.

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