jenny born from great witch family, who has one son and one daughter, jenny is third child, jenny want to freedom from magical realism but she has follow the magical law and become a servant of non- limit sealer. her mother is famous witch, but her ego is higher for love of daughter, jenny was limit for magic power, because of the magical war, human effect by them, some human also effect by them, but some evil magician hunt limit sealer., as for the law 3rd child of magician alway an limit sealer. but jenny was attack by black witch.
jenny : main character of this novel, she is daughter of witch, jenny mother name is ren. jenny born with limit seal. she can't use power outside from her body. normal witch and magical can use their power from natures and human for increase his magical power.
rakesh: jenny elder brother who study in magic and witch academia.
hai : jenny father, who was ex commander of the soldier of king salmon
banm : jenny father sister, who teach magic at school
min : jenny elder sister and she is normal witch
king salmon : hitesh father of this
hitesh : second lead, who want to become a great king magician
varu : hitesh secret older brother, sh has been sick for long time. because of the poison given by black or devil witches
head master sushant reavan: he control the school of the magical and witch academy
karu : dark lord of black magic and witches, he want to control the world and destroyed it . he was 1000 year old.
mitch: she is a black witch, take human age, his pet maku a dark monster who want human body for food. she want human soul for energy.