


Xyn Draven Nightfall, a spellcaster that is one of the ungifted people in this world of magic. He was not all powerful, so he can't beat every opponent he may face. But, because of his past experiences, he unlocked a power within him. A power that's unusual, the power of darkness. He exercised and practiced his new found power and was able to easily defeat his enemy in a tournament. As he became even more powerful, he seeks to make things a reality. Thus, he created his own living beings with his magic. To test his creations' abilities and his own, Nightfall led an attack and they unleashed a fraction of their power to the world. Because of his actions, a company of people that claim themselves as protectors of the world, seeks to banish Nightfall from this world. Will they succeed?

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here story begins


Changes Made in Chapters:

Added Prologue ---- Had significant changes to the story.

Chapter 1 Rewritten ----- Old version is irrelevant (lmao). The Rewritten has new important characters, and also some new characterization for Xyn.

After Training, Infiltration, Creation ----- Slightly edited.

The Guardians ---- New scenes with the creation of guardians. Provided with some characterization for the guardians. Perhaps this is important.

Please read the Prologue and Chapter 1 for there are a whole lot of changes.

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